The PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) is a datacenter energy efficiency indicator. This indicator has become a universally recognized technical indicator and one of the main elements for the eco-responsible computing qualification (green IT) of datacenters.
In the coming years, datacenters will aim the best possible PUE, assessing their level of energy efficiency.
Thésée DataCenter offers a new generation solution, suited for the most diverse requirements, as a connected datacenter optimized for high densities. The energy cost of Thésée DataCenter is significantly lower than the standards of the Parisian market withthe PUE (Energy Efficiency Indicator) less than “1.2”, one of the very best PUEs in France. As of today, some datacenters’ PUEs are still beyond “2”, which reflects a much lower energy efficiency than the Thésée DataCenter.
This 1.2 PUE indicator means 35% less energy consumed compared to the other existing data centers.
This very low PUE is the result of innovative technology: indirect free cooling, a method that drastically reduces energy consumption by using outside air to cool machines.
Moreover, to achieve the best possible PUE,Thésée DataCenter is implementing other solutions such as the LCA method (life cycle analysis: energy, carbon, material, waste, water). Sensors are linked to an artificial intelligence solution that enables the regulation of cooling solutions to be optimized in real-time.
The objective of Thésée DataCenter in guaranteeing the lowest possible PUE is to reduce the environmental footprint by reducing as much energy consumption as possible and being instrumental in the development of a new generation of datacenter towards sustainable IT.
Finally, a lower energy consumption ensures major cost savings.
For Thésée DataCenter, achieving a low PUE was equally motivated by commercial attractiveness objectives – as much IT power delivered at a lower cost – as well as the constant and current environmental considerations.